Fisheries Management

Supporting fisheries management through data-driven solutions for a sustainable harvest tomorrow.

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At FjordStrong, we understand the role that fisheries play in supporting society, both to consumers and workers within the supply chain. In the interests of safeguarding these livelihoods and conserving the value of our oceans, we strive to assist fisheries managers and decision makers on their journey to a more sustainable future. From collecting fisheries-independent data for baselines and stock assessments to assisting in innovative bycatch reduction efforts, our zero-impact methodologies can inform management plans and strengthen communication and trust between stakeholders. With a team consisting of fisheries scientists and marine engineers, get in touch to see how we can work together for a more a sustainable harvest tomorrow.

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Sustainable Surveys

Our commitment to zero-impact and low-carbon methods ensures your project remains at the forefront of the drive towards sustainability.

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University-Backed Expertise

As a commercial spinout from QUB, our evidence-based approach benefits from ready access to University resources and additional expertise.

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Comprehensive Support

From project inception to completion, our team will guide your project to success, with a proven track record of delivering on budget and on time.

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Rapid & Cost-Effective Surveys

Our focus on innovative video-based solutions offers swift and affordable results, saving time and costs compared to traditional surveys.

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Bespoke and Portable

Deployable from small boats and designed for fast currents and moderate visibility, our solutions tackle challenging areas such as MPAs and OWFs.

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Data Souvenirs

Benefit from secure digital records to unlock project potential through enhanced QC, data repurposing and impactful visual dissemination.

Explore the tailored services we provide for Fisheries Management

Marine Surveys

We understand our client’s need for robust baseline data as a foundation for the future success of their objectives. Whether it serves as a basis for monitoring the impact of planned infrastructure or the introduction of new management measures, our track record spans diverse marine settings from open ocean to shallow coastal waters and estuaries. Our expert team are committed to using environmentally-friendly, non-destructive and non- extractive methods to generate the data required for the success of your project, from biodiversity indices to oceanographic data. We offer comprehensive support, including survey design, logistical coordination, meticulous data collection, in-depth analysis, and expert report preparation.

Marine Surveys

At FjordStrong, our expertise covers taxonomic identification of species and communities, alongside characterisation of the abiotic and physical environment they live in using nationally recognised classification protocols such as JNCC and EUNIS. By collecting data using non-destructive methods such as ROVs and tow-fish cameras, we can systematically identify, predict and compare habitat distribution and ecosystems using a standardised methodology, while preserving the integrity of the area. Such knowledge underpins MPA monitoring, assessing conservation-value of sites, and licensing of industry activities.

Marine Surveys

FjordStrong provides a suite of non-destructive tools and methodologies for assessing marine biodiversity, tailored to your requirements. In light of the ongoing biodiversity crisis caused by anthropogenic pressures and climate change, there is an increasing urgency to understand local biodiversity and population dynamics, including demographic trends and biomass estimates. We provide a range of robust, non-destructive biodiversity surveys to suit your needs, providing a rapid and cost-effective alternative to traditional destructive techniques. With an in-house elasmobranch expert team, benthic ecologists and fisheries scientists, our team can work with you to bridging the knowledge gap and taking the first steps towards a better ocean.

Marine Surveys

Invasive species have the potential to be a major threat to marine ecosystems, biodiversity, as well as economic and societal implications. The balance of the marine world is fragile, even the smallest external factor can disrupt an entire ecosystem. At FjordStrong we understand the necessity to gather scientific information on invasive marine species and assess any perceived risks before the impact is irreversible. Our team have a strong taxonomic background, allowing us to accurately identify native and non-native species while assessing their potential for invasiveness. Additionally we can provide abundance estimates, habitat preference, potential impact and ultimately monitor and provide mitigation plans if required. 

Consultancy & Data Processing

FjordStrong is deeply committed to Elasmobranch Conservation, employing advanced techniques to study and safeguard these vital components of the oceanic web. Drawing on the expertise of the QUB Marine Lab, Regional Flapper Skate Working Group and Elasmobranch Strategy Group, our team comprises specialists in elasmobranch fisheries interactions, bycatch reduction and monitoring, distribution modelling, and acoustic tagging and biotelemetry. Our commitment extends beyond assessment to proactive strategies, ensuring sustainable practices that protect elasmobranch populations and enhance our understanding of these sentinel species and their crucial role in our oceans.

Consultancy & Data Processing

FjordStrong’s experienced team excels in delivering comprehensive solutions that harmonise the interests of both industry and conservation for effective Fisheries Management. Proficient in analysing fisheries data, conducting stock assessments, and advising on resource management, our team focuses on collaborative solutions. FjordStrong offers zero-impact tools that not only complement current methods but also aim to replace more destructive approaches, thereby enhancing the sustainability of fisheries.

Consultancy & Data Processing

Understanding the intricate relationship between marine habitats and species at all life stages is crucial for effective conservation and management. FjordStrong specialises in Habitat Suitability Modelling, employing sophisticated methodologies with specific attention to Bayesian and integrative approaches to analyse environmental variables and predict optimal habitats for various species. Our expertise ensures precise assessments, allowing for informed decision-making in habitat conservation and restoration efforts.

Consultancy & Data Processing

Building strong relationships with stakeholders is essential for successful environmental projects. FjordStrong understands the significance of Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach, offering tailored strategies to find and connect with diverse stakeholders, from local communities to regulatory bodies. Our team fosters collaboration, ensuring that projects align with community values and regulatory expectations. At FjordStrong, we have a track record of setting up working groups and a strong network of stakeholders, fostering lasting relationships that contribute to the success of environmental initiatives.


At FjordStrong, we understand the importance of thoroughly testing, validating, optimising, and improving new approaches to ensure their reliability and effectiveness. Our team is committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation, using cutting-edge technology and methodologies in the marine environment. Our expertise and experience includes ground truthing methods such as eDNA sample collection, video survey for acoustic detections, elasmobranch tagging, and identification of egg-laying grounds. FjordStrong will not only keep pace with the latest advancements but also contribute to shaping the future of sustainable marine solutions with passion and expertise.

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Nature Inclusive Design in Offshore Wind Farm Scour Protection


EFFECTIVE: Monitoring Elasmobranchs in an MPA alongside Coral Reef Restoration

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Helping JNCC deliver on UK-wide Monitoring Programmes

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eDNA Ground-Truthing and Six Gill Sharks Survey

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Fisheries Engagement and Conservation Research at the Marine Institute

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Orkney Egg Case Survey

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Tender for North Coast Elasmobranch Survey

Discover how FjordStrong’s expert consultancy services can elevate your marine projects, tailored specifically to your unique requirements.
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